EL PUERTO墾丁泊途會館位於屏東縣恆春鎮,距離台灣最南端-鵝鑾鼻燈塔只需5分鐘車程,開車10分鐘抵達龍磐草原,視野遼闊、景觀豐富。會館對面是知名砂島生態保護區及貝殼砂展示館,周圍寧靜。 館內房型多樣,海景房擁大面落地窗,可覽無敵海景,山景房綠意盎然,獨享靜謐時光,搭配寬廣的客廳區,不受空間拘束,盡情感受南灣的獨特風情!
I stayed in your lovely hotel for 3 weeks this month on a business trip, and WOW, I was blown away by your five star customer service!! Your attentive staff consistently went above and beyond to make my stay exceptionally comfortable, which is SO important for anyone traveling a long way from home.
By 住客 Petah Coyne
A fantastic hotel worth keeping to yourself! The smartest feature in the guest rooms is an abundance of adapter sockets, you can charge your phone, tablet, and more with ease. You don’t have to bring your own, can also reduce the weight of luggage. Very friendly and helpful staff. I'll be back again!